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The striving for outstanding results is presumably as old as humanity. Our Stone Age ancestors have not left any reports behind for us about this so that we must rely on our suppositions. In today’s discussion we are on safer ground when we are dealing with the origin of Business Excellence.
Since 1999 we have been working on the topic of Vital-Office and also on suitable office furniture. Our many years’ work was rewarded with the award ”Best Feng Shui Design 2000“.
In addition to the forms, the question of the material in the meaning of Feng Shui occupied us a great deal.
Consequently, we considered how we could transfer the value and energy of a solid wood table- top to normal payable desks.
The balance of Yin und Yang, the 5 elements and the principle of comprehensiveness are especially important to us.
As a result of the balance of Yin und Yang elements in the environment, the dynamics of life are maintained, both in the personal and in the business management segment. This is comparable with an engine which simply runs smoothly. A one-sided predominance of Yin or Yang is on the other hand like an engine with a more or less strong error of balance.
Qi is the basic energy for all life. Effects of the vital energy Qi are, for example: vitality, capability, concentration, intuition, creativity, defence capacity of the immune system, disassociation capacity with respect to psychically weakening external factors, tolerance of stress and the state of mind.
A distinction is made between “Body-Qi”, the Qi concept of traditional Chinese medicine and the space and landscape Qi, which is directed by Feng Shui techniques:
Yin and Yang is the basis of Feng Shui teaching. The polarity of Yin to Yang is, for example, subdivided in the trigrams and hexagrams in finer quality stages. The meanings and attributions are described in the old Chinese I Ging (Book of Changes).
The Yin Yang symbol, however, basically represents the dynamics of the eternal processes of change (birth - growth – maturity – blossom – seeds – death ...).
The constant flux (change), and the movement are best represented in the symbol.
At the start of the 20th century with the findings of the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Physics, Modern Physics did away with the fixed Newton conception of the world. Matter is no longer regarded as static and passive, but as a dynamic active “bundle of energy” which is in a state of constant flux. The traditional concepts of time and space, of isolated objects, and of cause and effect have lost their importance.
In modern Physics the universe is a dynamic indivisible whole which always necessarily also includes the observer.
Like a health-orientated therapeutic measure Feng Shui acts on the employees in a psychological way through the room design. The Feng Shui principle can therefore be defined as follows:
The resulting room design is a static photograph of our self. This in turn reacts and conveys to our psyche, for example, familiar and supposed security.
The environment becomes a medium of self programming.
However, time is flowing as well as the changes in our society, in our thinking and the way in which we express ourselves.
Nowadays, almost everyone is familiar with the concept of Feng Shui. Only almost everyone understands something different by it. Almost everyone has heard or learned something different.
What is behind it and how do we deal with it? Different alternatively-orientated healing models and an integral way of thinking come together under the Feng Shui concept. It is therefore difficult to talk about Feng Shui as long as everyone understands something different by it. The question is: “What is someone looking for, if he is interested in Feng Shui?”
Feng Shui literally means Wind and Water. What is your perception?
Bevor sie Ihre Mitarbeiter bezüglich der neu anzuschaffenden Möbel nach Ihrer Meinung fragen und Sie abstimmen lassen, sollten sie sie erst einmal zu einer Ergonomischen Beratung schicken. Da sie durch Ihre bisherigen meist zu niedrigen Tischen und Gesundheitsschädlichen Stühlen wie auch Sitzpositionen Keinerlei Erfahrung mit Ergonomischem gesunden sitzen haben und somit aus einem spontanen Gefühl heraus entscheiden. Durch Jahrelanges falschsitzen bedarf es einer Umgewöhnungszeit, aber im Nachhinein sagen die meisten Personen, die Aufrechte Sitzhaltung ist die Angenehmere.
Die Bildschirmmitte sollte bei einem geraden Tisch direkt auf Ihre Nase zeigen, Bei Verwendung von zwei Monitoren die Mitte des Hauptbildschirms oder die Kontaktlinie beider Bildschirme.
Bei Tischen mit Innenrundung können die Monitore auch links oder rechts von Ihnen sein, da sie durch eine Drehung des Stuhls wieder direkt vor Ihnen sind.
Die Bildschirmhöhe sollte nicht zu hoch eingestellt werden, die Bildschirmmitte befindet sich ungefähr 15 und 30° unterhalb Ihrer Augen und der Bildschirm ist nach oben geneigt. Ungefähr wie Sie auch ein Buch lesen würden.
Der Abstand zu Ihrem Bildschirm ist von Ihrer Sehkraft abhängig. Generell 40-60cm entfernt von Ihnen.
ein Monitor-Schwenkarm macht die Einstellung leichter und flexibler, zusätzlich wird durch fehlenden Bildschirmsockel mehr Platz auf dem Tisch verfügbar.
Vital Office GmbH
D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204
+49 7248 93566-90
+49 7248 93566-97
Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung
Vital Office Hongkong Limited
Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd
Wechat ID: Vital-Office
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