Büro Optimierung

Büro Optimierung (5)

Weshalb ist gutes Bürodesign wichtig, Intelligente Geometrie, Sicherheit und Privatshäre

Have you ever considered how much time you spend in the office? Apart from periods spent sleeping, the workplace is the environment where we spend most time. The extent to…
Gelesen 21295 mal
Each company, each entrepreneur, managing director, sector or department manager endeavours to be successful with his employees. Motivation techniques should ensure that all the employees, in a good mood, thinking…
Gelesen 20570 mal
If you act virtuously you do not need to think anything new. You simply do what you have learnt. But it does not depend so much on how well something…
Gelesen 29244 mal
The answer is: In nature. Obviously, most people have had this experience. Not in buildings but outside in nature. Something happens there in interaction with nature which is different from…
Gelesen 22897 mal
Man unconsciously recognizes geometric relationships and as a result also the higher order in design. Mathematically these forms are very complicated, but humans are unconsciously aware of such relations. Who…
Gelesen 20612 mal

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