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Harmonizing square and round shapes in metalor technologies office planning

Harmonizing square and round shapes in metalor technologies: Metalor, Suzhou
Industry: Chemical
Building: Office
Workplaces: 138 work places
Type: Open Space
Customer's vision: Work benches for a large mount of employment, space and budget saving,functional office with sufficient storage .

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geschrieben von 4 Januar 2015 - 07:41:47

Metalor Technologies SA is an international Swiss-based group, with subsidiaries in 17 countries. It is a leading participant in the field of precious metals and advanced materials

The planning considers European standards ergonomics:

  • Place workstations app. 90 degree to window side, to avoid glare and blind. Also this way workplaces are all similar “best places” and you avoid bad hierarchy in work places.
  • Monitor is on a Monitor arm to ensure maximum free desk space.
  • Partition between desks are for “stickers” to personalize the workplace.
  • Inner curve at desks is needed for space savings. Also they provide armrest on desk top and suit well to WEY-chair with elbow support.
  • Wavely round edge of workbench invite vitality to the square and orderly work benches. It welly matches with management round desks in the separate glass rooms.
  • Side cardboard next to each workbench, as a discussion stand, also for archive and partition.


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