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Vital-Office ergonomic and fengshui planning supports Loadwell image enhancement

Vital-Office ergonomic and fengshui planning supports Loadwell image enhancement: Loadwell, Shanghai
Industry: Mechanic
Building: Office
Workplaces: 88 work places
Type: two floors office buidling
Customer's vision: modern and open space planning, non-partition style, flexible for future movement.

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geschrieben von 5 Januar 2015 - 10:51:57

LOADWELL Crane (Shanghai) Co. Ltd was found in the early 1990’s. She provides lifting equipment, special equipment & service.

Vital-Office is asked to provide design and planning for Loadwell new factory in Shanghai. The rapidly expanding chinese company has service mainly middle and high end customers, especially the multi-national companies in China. They want to furnish the new office in a modern and creative way, that support their technolgy image.

Differentiate with the traditional partition booth, Vital-Office fresh the space in a fengshui and flexible way. Height adjustable round Iey desks bring a more 3D dimension looking. Playing with shapes, grouped or combined with the same tables is quite smart in space usage and fits more persons without felling crowd.

Egg round Iey desk provides more safty and backing consciously by surrounding peoper inside of its heart. Each person is told by his work desk that they are "Valued". By cutting the unapproaching parts and increasing more useful elbow support, the IEY desk has much higher effecient top usage than the conventional L-shape desk. Round manager desk are easily adjusted to get the best view and space in the small single office.  Ying and Yan meeting desk combined in different ways to meet their interview and discussion requirements. Ellipse Circon conference desk are stylish and solemn.

Comfortable and functional fitting is always an import topic in Vital-Office design, which shows in details and help company increase their competitive. We wish a better tomorrow for Loadwell.


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