ActiveLifeTrainer für Therapie, Reha + Fitness - Profigerät anstelle Mini-Bike, Desk-Bike, Mini-Ergometer, Bewegungstrainer, Stepper und Elliptisches Tischfahrrad

Was sagen die Medien zu activeLife Trainer?

ActiveLife Trainer und das von uns patentierte Konzept zur Bewegungsförderung und Wellness im Büro hat ein beachtliches Echo in den Medien hervorgerufen. Hier finden sie Pressestimmen zu activeLife Trainer und den damit durchgeführten Studien, die die Wirksamkeit belegen.

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geschrieben von 12 Februar 2018 - 02:35:31

R & D Magazine "Pedaling Fat Away"

Christian Science Monitor "To work or to work out? That may no longer be the question"

Tech Times "The results of this study are vital for company owners or employers, who seek to find ways of improving their sedentary employees' health."

Medical News Today"Under-the-desk pedal device could reduce sedentary behavior for office workers"

Morning Ticker" workers that used them were actually healthier. They lost weight, increased brain power and had fewer sick days."

Clapway"Cycling Desk For a Life Less Sedentary"

Guardian Libery Voice"Pedaling at Desk Offers Workout While in Work"

The Times of India"Desks with pedals to keep workers fit"

Medical Daily "Pedal At Your Desk To Fight A Sedentary Lifestyle: ‘Bike Desks’ Make Employees Healthier, Happier"

Regal Tribune "Desks With Pedals: A Great Way to Keep Workers Fit"

EurekAlert "Work, pedal, and be healthy"

Triathlon Magazine Canada "Study: Pedal in Private to Combat Sedentariness"

Business Standard "'Bike desks' could make employees healthier, productive"

domain-b "Desks with pedals help workers keep fit"

Business Insider“The latest must-have accessory for executives … ”

The Next Web “We’ve seen the benefits to a standing workstation, and we all know that elliptical machines are a great workout, so what if you combined the two? … LifeBalance has given us the best of both worlds by having a movable desk that can go from a standing workstation to a sitting one, but then also pairing that with what appears to be a rather comfy chair… that has an elliptical machine for the foot rests.”

gizmo “Shed Those Pounds While You Work …”

Medical Xpress“It is no surprise that an exercise regimen of sitting at your desk and typing is not one that will help you to shed those pounds. At least not if you only have a standard office chair to sit on. Sure, you can get to the gym but most days the amount of time you spend sedentary is not a healthy thing.”

luxury launches “… ideal for users of any posture.”

treehugger “There is a lot to like about it. It is flexible and can be used in a number of different ways…”

slashgear “….a new desk that gives you no excuse to be fat and pasty even if your job keeps you chained to a desk all day.”

tgdaily “Sometimes there are developments in technology that give you hope for the future. This is one of those developments. … there has never been a better time for exercise technology companies to jump into this niche market. … This is too good of an idea for it to not grow.”

engadget“…putting the commute back in ‘telecommuting.”

ZDNet“….. Why not workout while at work? ……you can put your legs to good use while sitting at your desk.”

gizmag“…with a healthy body and a healthy mind said to go hand in hand, the setup might even make you more productive in the office.”


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