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Einladung zu: Feng Shui Fortune and Business Excellence at the Workplace - Shanghai 26th+28th Mai

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Mit viel Engagement hat unser Team in Kooperation mit MITTELSTAND INTERNATIONAL und der Dongua Universität das nachfolgende Forum organisiert. Hierzu möchten wir alle Sie herzlichst einladen: (siehe nachfolgende Beschreibung in Englisch)
P.S. Falls Sie das erste Mal nach Shanghai kommen, oder etwas Zeit mitbringen, organisieren wir für Sie gerne ein Rahmenprogramm in und um Shanghai. Sprechen Sie uns einfach an.

Eine weitere Veranstaltung in Deutschland ist: NEW Kongressmesse Friedrichshafen - 09.Jun.2015 - MITTELSTAND INTERNATIONAL - Ihre Brücke nach China - Wir sind mit einem Informationsstand für Sie vor Ort.

Vital-Office geht mit seinem Ergonomie-Konzept einen ganz eigenen Weg. Inspiriert von der Kraft der Natur versteht Vital Office den "Lebensraum Arbeitsplatz" unter ganzheitlichen Aspekten. Das Vital-Office Team sieht Büroplanung als Inspiration und Interaktion auf allen Ebenen. Fokusiert auf Verbesserungen in der Büro Performance, helfen wir unseren Kunden Zukunftsvisionen zu gestalten und unterstützen eine nachhaltige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit innerhalb seiner Büros. Mit inspirierender Design Power werden Wohlfühl Büroräume geschaffen, die eine echte Transformation in Team Power fördern.

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Good Feng Shui at the workplace can nurture your fortune and health, while bad Feng Shui and bad office ergonomics can cost money, reputation and health problems. The concept of business excellence is a similar way. Only one integral process, starting with the planning and the involvement of the employees through to realization, resulting in office workplaces in which the employees can live Business Excellence.

Forum in Shanghai - 26. Mai 2015

You will learn how to achieve good Feng Shui and Business Excellence conditions through office and workplace design and brand name design.
This forum is mainly intended to address company's executives, architects, designers and dealers operating in China.
As well it is very interesting for abroad companies and office designer to learn about the manifold design strategies and office conditions available outside their country.


Keynote speaker:

Peter Jordan

is the founder of Vital-Office, an umbrella world for a unique and holistic way of designing office environments. Grown up in a family based German wood manufacturing he learned traditional craftsmanship and the principles of sustainable design. In 2000 he developed together with Feng Shui architect Thomas Schopf and Feng Shui Masters Jes T.Y. Lim the first authentic Feng Shui office system and combined the traditional knowledge of Feng Shui with scientific ergonomics. He regularly speaks at several conferences and other events. He was a speaker at the International Congress of Facility Management in Frankfurt, at the international Feng Shui conference in Budapest, and at the Conscious Design conference held in New Jersey in the United States. In 2009 he spoke at the 4th International Conference on Scientific Feng Shui & Built Environment at Hong Kong City University. He is working on the development of the Vital-Office concept since 2003. With his book "The Vital-Office Concept" a part of this experiences and concepts are published to a wider range of office people involved in this subject.


2. speaker:

Dr. Marko Ljubicic

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Enterprise Management
Master of Science (M.Sc.), Industrial Engineering and Management

Dr. Marko Ljubicic is based in Shanghai since 2007 where he works at Donghua University as a professor on a number of business and management related courses, including International Business, Brand Management, Organization Theory, and others. Dr. Ljubicic has extensive experience in various consultancy projects in Europe and China, helping companies from both sides to successfully establish their presence in their target markets. His expertise lies in Brand Management, Marketing, and Strategic Management.

Based on his work experience and professional working proficiency of Chinese (Mandarin) language he gained practical knowledge in Feng Shui brand name and logo design for China.


The forum is organized in cooperation with MITTELSTAND INTERNATIONAL as a Get Together event.


the Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, is a network of business owners, business leaders and top decision makers representing the interests of the small and medium-sized enterprises. Together with partners around the globe, MITTELSTAND INTERNATIONAL represents over 160.000 business owners, business leaders and top decision makers. With this background we are a strong voice of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME).

The following Networking offers you the chance of discussion with the speaker and other participants, like Shanghai designers and university teachers and company executives connected to MITTELSTAND INTERNATIONAL.


This forum is limited to 50 participants.
Fee: 100 RMB per person. Vouchers are available for customers of the organizers, members of MITTELSTAND INTERNATIONAL and Dongua University teachers and students.

Please contact us by e-mail, Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! for questions, vouchers and registration. You can call us at:
Germany: Peter Jordan +49 7248 935 6690
China: Karl-Heinz Hessenthaler +86 150 2653 8480 and Louis Jordan +86 186 2168 1415

Other connections like WeChat and LinkedIn you will find in our profile pages.


The location is downtown Shanghai at:

KOKUYO showroom

1F, XinjinQiao Square No. 7 West Beijing Road Huangpu District Shanghai 200003 PRC.
Tel :  +86 21-6136-3288



Tuesday Mai 26th, 2015 - 18:30h / 6:30pm

18:30 h - Welcome and Check in
18:45 h - Welcome and Introduction MITTELSTAND INTERNATIONAL - Mr. Karl-Heinz Hessenthaler and Kokuyo - Mr. Eric Wong Yew Chee
19.15 h - "Introducing Feng Shui Fortune and Business Excellence at the Workplace“ * - Peter Jordan (Vital-Office)
19:45 h - Question & Answers
20:15 h - Feng Shui Brand Name Design for China. * - Dr. Marko Ljubicic (Dongua University)
20:30 h - Question & Answers
20:45 h - Networking
22:00 h - Wrap Up / Open end
* Talks are in English with Chinese translation.


Extended seminar invitation at ARTLAND Shanghai

"Feng Shui Fortune and Business Excellence at the Workplace"

Extended seminar invitation at ARTLAND
in Shanghai - 28. Mai 2015

In this extended seminar we will in practice analyze various office designs upon their good and bad Feng Shui aspects
This seminar is intended to address company's executives, architects, designers from every country.


The location is in Changning district, Shanghai at:

ARTLAND showroom

10F,568 West Jinshajiang Road (金沙江西路568号10楼)
Tel :  +86 21 51082835

This extended seminar is limited to 20 participants.
Fee: 100 RMB per person. Vouchers are available for customers of the organizers, members of MITTELSTAND INTERNATIONAL and Dongua University teachers and students.
* Talks are in English with Chinese translation.



Thursday Mai 28th, 2015 - 15:00h / 3:00pm

15:00 h - Welcome and Check in
15:15 h - Welcome and Introduction ARTLAND - Mr. David (GM)
15.45 h - "Feng Shui Fortune and Business Excellence at the Workplace“ * - Peter Jordan (Vital-Office)
17:45 h - Question & Answers
18:00 h - show room exploration and networking
19:00 h - Dinner / Open end
* Talks are in English with Chinese translation.


Vital-Office® Bamboo Office - a selection of sustainable solid wood office furniture

"Will you easily cut trees which have grown for 200 years? Do you easily take away our childrens heritage? Just for a good look and face of expensiveness?
In the past I was used to walk and ride my horse through beautiful forests with old oak and beach trees. But within the last 15 years many of them are cut. Too many! The feeling in the forests now is different. I would like my children and grandchildren to enjoy forests with big old trees. With bamboo, which grows to full size within only 5 years, we have an alternative." - Peter Jordan

Bamboo solid wood for green furniture

In the Vital-Office Concept (published as book) the objectives and influence factors of human stress-free and healthy Office design is defined. Among other things it is assumed that the value of our environment affects the quality of our work. The psychological factors involved are complex. … The desk is a tool that allows you to work with ease and same time is influencing your attitude at work. It is the heart piece of office furniture.

The advantage of a desktop in bamboo solid wood is in the sustainability and quality, combined with an affordable price.
•The advantage for the entrepreneur is improved quality of work, mindfulness, and attractiveness.
•The advantage for the employee is appreciation and "feel good".

In addition to many professionals, as well as small and medium-sized companies also well-known corporations such as Kärcher, Jungheinrich and H.C. Starck have chosen Vital-Office ® Bamboo Office.



Wey chair - saddle like ergonomic office chair

Higher level sitting - ease communication at the workplace

Beside the healthy upright sitting position, there are much more advantages using saddle-like WEY-chairs. Used together with height adjustable desks, they significantly can increase collaboration and communication in an office. Foster teamwork and emotional qualities within a corporate culture. Additionally enhance the dynamics within an office, while people stand-up more easily and frequently.

This is achieved by lifting all office desk's heights to a higher level, which is closer to a stand-up position.

With a saddle-like WEY-chair together with a height adjustable Vital-Office desk, you already sit in a much higher position. The desk is usually adjusted to 800-900mm height, depending on person's size. The WEY-chair also has a higher gas-spring and the forward tilted saddle like seat cushion, which makes it comfortable to sit in such a high position.

Like a horse rider, you easily stand-up. Your muscles are active during seating. The rocking motion build in the WEY-chair mechanic let you move like on a rocking chair with your feet moving up and down. This constant moving with the feet and thus the activation of the calf muscles, is a circulation pump. Doctors describe the calf muscles as peripheral heart. You support your cardiovascular function significantly. Together with the gas-spring's buffer cushion feature you are lifted up easily, like a horse lifts it's rider in a jog trot.



Call us or come to one of our events. We are happy to exchange ideas and knowledge.
Personally I will enjoy meeting you and look forward
with best regards …

Peter Jordan

D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204
+49 7248 93566-90
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Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd
1515 Changning lu, room 1416/14th floor, Shanghai 200051
(Louis Jordan) +86 186 2168 1415 / (Vincent Wang) +86 186 2139 5356
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Deutsche Möbel Manufaktur

Vital Office GmbH

 D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204

  +49 7248 93566-90

  +49 7248 93566-97

  [email protected]

  Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung


International Export

Vital Office Hongkong Limited

 Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  [email protected]

Chinese furniture manufacturing

Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd


  [email protected]

 Wechat ID: Vital-Office



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