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Spacious planning with maximum storage capacity for MDC Daetwyler

Spacious planning with maximum storage capacity for MDC Daetwyler: MDC Daetwyler, Shanghai
Industry: Doctor Blades and electomechanical engravers
Building: Office
Workplaces: 25 work places
Type: Group Office
Customer's vision: Medium and high-end health office, Maximum of storage capacity, Organized work groups in each room

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geschrieben von 31 Dezember 2014 - 09:29:07

The Deatwyler Group is a renowned, medium-sized, family-owned business run in the second generation. The Group is the world's leading manufacturer of high-quality consumables for the printing industry and in the field of high-precision machine construction. MDC China in Shanghai is the production center for quality Doctor Blades and cost-efficient state-of-the-art electromechanical engravers.

Regards to the precise and qualified property of Deatwyler product, Vital-Office melts the concept of effeciency and systematic work group into the office design. Infinity round shape desks give a friendly and soft fengshui influence, which usually enhances the image of machine and equipment companies.

  • Soft and round edges brings comfortable and fluent energy flow.
  • Flexible layout delicately evades the defects in lightling, entrance, and galss wall,etc.
  • Less than 4 persons groups provides individual privacy, but also encouraging communication.
  • Public areas between groups allow large tops, but less space.
  • Modular cabinets easily fit in rooms and used for stand-up discussion and partitions of different teams.


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