Feng Shui

Feng Shui (8)

Feng Shui - Raumpsychologie - Das FengShui Prinzip in der Büroplanung und im BüromöbelDesign - Yin und Yang - Lebensenergie Qi (Chi)

We have very intensely studied Feng Shui and found that many basic parts of Feng Shui are corresponding with ergonomics. The difference mainly is the kind of language used. While…
Gelesen 24853 mal
The balance of Yin und Yang, the 5 elements and the principle of comprehensiveness are especially important to us. As a result of the balance of Yin und Yang elements…
Gelesen 24267 mal
Since 1999 we have been working on the topic of Vital-Office and also on suitable office furniture. Our many years’ work was rewarded with the award ”Best Feng Shui Design…
Gelesen 20044 mal
Nowadays, almost everyone is familiar with the concept of Feng Shui. Only almost everyone understands something different by it. Almost everyone has heard or learned something different. What is behind…
Gelesen 17919 mal
Like a health-orientated therapeutic measure Feng Shui acts on the employees in a psychological way through the room design. The Feng Shui principle can therefore be defined as follows: “We…
Gelesen 25801 mal
Yin and Yang is the basis of Feng Shui teaching. The polarity of Yin to Yang is, for example, subdivided in the trigrams and hexagrams in finer quality stages. The…
Gelesen 19138 mal
Qi is the basic energy for all life. Effects of the vital energy Qi are, for example: vitality, capability, concentration, intuition, creativity, defence capacity of the immune system, disassociation capacity…
Gelesen 35499 mal
At the start of the 20th century with the findings of the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Physics, Modern Physics did away with the fixed Newton conception of the world.…
Gelesen 18902 mal

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