Über uns

Über uns (10)

Informationen über die Vital-Office Firmengruppe und das Team, Unternehmensgrunsätze, Büroplanung Design Prinzipien, Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltfreundlichkeit, Testimonials & Referenzen, AGB und Impressum

Vital-Office is the virtue of empathy in complex relationships between humans and the office environment. We assist the builder as a consultant and the architect as a professional planner. Our…
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Selected Projects / References: Aspecta Lebensversicherungen, HDI-Gerling AG / artundweise GmbH, www.artundweise.de / H.C. Starck Konzern, Goslar, München, Gangzhou / Kärcher cleaning equipment, Changshu / Jungheinrich Shanghai / Optima packaging…
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... 5 trucks loaded with Vital-Office furniture arrived at a Swiss company's headquarter near Zurich. After 6 months of working in their new environment the Top management comments: "Out of…
Gelesen 31295 mal
Vital-Office offers sustainable and environment friendly products and services: Vital-Office traditionally offers timeless design products. Their flexibility in placement and the outstanding quality guarantees a long life time of Vital-Office…
Gelesen 27175 mal
Quality you can trust: For best quality and flexibility we produce our design products in Germany for the European market and in China according to German standards for the Asian…
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Peter Jordan ist der Gründer von Vital-Office®, einer Dachorganisation für ein ganzheitliches und nachhaltiges Designkonzept. In einem Möbel produzierenden Familienbetrieb aufgewachsen, erlernte er traditionell das Schreiner-Handwerk und die Prinzipien nachhaltigen…
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scroll down for travel information from airports Karlsruhe Baden Baden, Frankfurt and Stuttgart Tel.: +49 / 7248 / 935 6690
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recommended accomodation:
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Terms & Conditions Please note: Valid legal language is German text below. (Machine translation is provided only for your conveniance) Language of the proceedings: German Place of arbitration: Germany, Karlsruhe.…
Gelesen 41334 mal
German furniture manufacturing: Vital-Office GmbH - Büro und Ausstellung -Holzbachtal 204 D-75334 Straubenhardt (Germany) Tel.: +49 / 7248 / 935 6690 Fax: +49 / 7248 / 935 6697 E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! …
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Deutsche Möbel Manufaktur

Vital Office GmbH

 D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204

  +49 7248 93566-90

  +49 7248 93566-97

  [email protected]


  Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung


International Export

Vital Office Hongkong Limited

 Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  [email protected]


Chinese furniture manufacturing

Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd


  [email protected]


 Wechat ID: Vital-Office



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Deutsch English (UK) Simplified Chinese www.vitaloffice.net (-09.2014)

Angebote nur für Gewerbetreibende. Preise zzgl. gesetzl. MwSt.