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ActiveLifeTrainer Manual and Installa ActiveLifeTrainer Manual and Installation 1



Dateigröße 628.36 KB

Dateidatum 2016-05-23

Dateiname activeLife Trainer 20 Manual ...-17.pdf

Downloads 7.353

Erstelldatum 2017-10-29

Änderungsdatum 2017-10-29


ActiveLifeTrainer-Manual and assembly instructions

Congratulations on the purchase of this activeLife TrainerTM1! Before you start using your new dynamic seat machine, please unpack it and build it together. Then find a suitable place under your desk or in front of a chair or armchair where you want to put the device. In order to ensure safe use at any time, please read and follow all instructions in this manual.

User feedback via smartphone or tablet: ActiveLifeTrainer has a built-in Smartsensor that can be used to continuously read feedback.

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