“Since I work for Vital-Office as an architect I am dealing a lot with the grenn bamboo material and develop many green office concepts, also for large international corporations. Within this job I ask myself, what exactly is this attraction of bamboo material?”
Of course, there are important issues such as sustainability, overall very valuable contribution to the environment and also it‘s authentic naturalness. Just to name a few. But bamboo is mainly a very nice, elegant and aesthetic material that has a very superior appeal.
Therefore, it deserves a careful crafting. It shall not simply be cut and fitted with a straight edge, but rather modeled as a sculpture. This helps to create architecturally proportioned tops, which again vary in effect and grace through differently shaped and profiled edges.
Bamboo is aging with dignity. If once getting on in years, it retains its beautiful, aesthetic and natural coloring and does not loose its good-looking, because of exposure to the sun, which e.g. gives other woods a yellow tinge. Also, humidity it can put away well and responds with less shrinkage and expansion than other woods. Looking at it more from a technical perspective, we know that no other natural material is more elasticity, hard and strong, which is combined with exceptionally low weight.
Only the interplay of all these details, impress consciously and unconsciously upon the user. An overall composition that is authentic, consistent and of appreciated high quality. Bamboo is with all its features a very modern, authentic and noble material.
Dipl. Ing. (Architecture) Petra Bodenburg:
Feng Shui masters value bamboo as energetically auspicious material. This is confirmed by scientific research.
As electrical equipment, such as computers, emit positive oxygen ions (in this case, harmful), so bamboo emits healthy (negative charged ion). And that, in an amount that far exceeds all other woods The measured values in a bamboo forest are at 10,000 m³ / a, in a normal forest 5000, in a park 1.800 and in closed rooms under 200.
Major green features are the fast-growing raw material that grows in only 5 years. Actually a bamboo grows from sprout in just 2 years to full size. Then it takes 3 years, until the wood has hardened. Thus, the bamboo plant is ripe for the harvesting or it will be broken in the next few years in a natural way by storm. Within 5 years enough sprouts have grown to replace, it is a natural selection. In fact, 25% of a bamboo forest can be harvested every year without compromising the nature in any way.
If we compare Bamboo with regional woods such as pine, beech or oak, then bamboo is much more environmental friendly in many points:
Bamboo is a perfect example of a green product - sustainable, environmental friendly and as hard as German oak. Due to its extremely rapid growth of only 5 years, it binds huge amounts of carbon dioxide and producing more oxygen than most other plants. There are also amazing material properties:
Bamboo combines extreme hardness and high compressive and tensile strength with high elasticity and low weight. The high silicate content of the outer layers of bamboo ensures that the pipes are flame resistant. “ (Ref.: http://www.faz.net/aktuell/technik-motor/umwelt-technik/bauen-mit-bambus-aussen-hart-innen-hohl-und-dabei-hoechst-flexibel-1306694.html)
Essential for the sustainable usage is the manufacturing process.
Vital-Office uses oiled solid wood tops that can be easily repaired if scratched during use. The thickness of the solid wood makes it easy for everyone to sand away scratches and re oil the surface.In comparison, veneered panels have only a thin veneer of 0.5mm and are usually protected by lacquer (similar to a plastic coating). Scratches and damages are logically not removable and the product is disposed more quickly.
Our bamboo comes from the award-winning holiday region, Anji (China). The bamboo, which grows in Anji is better and more expensive than bamboo from southern tropical areas...
The region is similar to our middle European mountain areas. Anji is a beautiful mountain area with forests, streams and apartments for tourists. A very well maintained landscape with small villages and bamboo farmers. The processing industry is concentrated in the valley. Everything is close to each other. It's climate is like south of the alps. In the summer warmer and humid, but also with snow in the winter and you can go skiing.
The bamboo, which grows in Anji is better and more expensive than bamboo from southern tropical areas. Also the processing industry is controlled, very strongly by the authorities since Anji has the status of an award-winning holiday region (similar to a nature protection area).
Usually you will learn very spontaneously, what kind of work quality and productivity in this office can be achieved and which are not. The advantage of a desktop in bamboo solid wood is in the sustainability and value, combined with an affordable price. The advantage for the entrepreneur is improved quality of work, mindfulness, and attractiveness. The advantage for the employee is appreciation and "feel good".
Appreciation and attractiveness may count the highest benefit for a corporation to use bamboo office furniture. The quality of our environment mirrors the quality of work done there.
This is well known today. So radically efficient, such as a clean city reduce the crime rate (see David Coleman "Social Intelligence" example of New York), so easily a quality furniture improves the mindfulness at work. The psychological factors are complex. But it is possible to observe yourself and get a feel for how an environment or furnishing affects you. Usually you will learn very spontaneously, what kind of work quality and productivity in this office can be achieved and which are not. The desk is a tool that allows you to work with ease and same time is influencing your long term health. It is the heart piece of office furniture.
Vital-Office bamboo office furniture is a professional office furniture system. Not to compare with other bamboo furniture made by companies who are not professional in office ergonomics furniture requirements.
We produce bamboo office furniture since 2007 now and have delivered some couple of 100 desks to large and small customers. The material is unique. No other wood retains such a beautiful color. (You know that other wood veneers get yellowed and bleached out in time) This does not apply to bamboo. Bamboo is aging with dignity!
We offer 2 different surfaces:
Design: Bamboo solid wood deserves a special carving. It should not just be cut with straight sharp edges, but rather carved like a sculpture. So architecturally well-proportioned tops can arise, which again vary in design, effect and filigree. We manufacture round and elegant shaped desks since the 1980s and do not do plastic edge bendings. The forms we developed in these years focus on ergonomic aspects and space efficiency. The benefits of the round anthropometric Vital-Office office concepts are well expanded with the use of the bamboo material.
Affordable entry level for Home Office and Office. WDH: 1686 x 897 x 720-930mm. Antrophometric round Vital-Office desktop in solid wood bamboo 18 mm, coffee color, oiled surface with elegant height-adjustable aluminium T-leg frame in black or white with chrome.
A desk for well-being. Extremely space-saving through the space-efficient Vital-Office circular shape. It fits harmoniously in spaces, where a straight desk with same size would no longer fit. Angled positions allow to optimize good Feng Shui with good backing and command overview.
The Office is a busy place, which requires a harmonious atmosphere. The optimal design of an ergonomic workplace is geared to human needs. The sense of security in the form of a protected private area is essential for stress-free work and a basic prerequisite for informal communication and collaboration. The back protection, screening, and command (overview) position can be optimized by turning the desktop at any angle. The desk fit soft into the environment and lead to more dynamic movement and communication, while rectangular desks with its sharp forms achieve the opposite effect.
Liebe Kunden und Vertriebspartner,
in beiliegender neuer Preisliste 2019 finden Sie unsere konsolidierten Möbelprogramme:
Insbesondere vitAcoustic® ist nun vollständig in unsere Möbelkollektion integriert. Container, Caddies, Sideboards (Qiboards) und Schränke sind nun ausschließlich mit vitAcoustic® Rollladen lieferbar, welcher die Kunststoff Jalousie vollständig ersetzt.
Vorteil: Mehrwert durch integrierte Akustikabsorber und Wohnlichkeit im Büro infolge großer Farbauswahl aus 19 wohl sortierten Lagerfarben.
Weitere Akustikprodukte wie z.B. Wandfliesen, Kassetten- und Deckenabhänger, die wir u.a. auf der Orgatec 2018 präsentierten, werden die nächsten Wochen in der Preisliste ergänzt. Wir möchten auch darauf aufmerksam machen, dass es, neben den in dieser Preisliste gelisteten vitAcoustic® Produkten, eine weitere OEM Einkaufs-Preisliste gibt. Darin sind die Rohplatten und die CNC Konfektion nach Auftragsdesign enthalten.
Bambus Massivholz Tischplatten und Möbelteile bieten wir nun ausschließlich aus Direktimport sehr günstig an. Die Plattenstärken 18 / 25mm wurden durch neue hochwertigere Hochkant- /Schmal-Lamellen Platten 20mm ersetzt.
Weiterhin wurde der Coffee Farbton etwas heller karbonisiert, so dass dieser neue Light Coffee Farbton dem trendigen Farbton einer Eichenplatte näherkommt.
Vorteil: Vital-Office Bambusmöbel sind eine sehr nachhaltige Anschaffung. Die speziell geölte Oberfläche der massiven Bambusplatten ist einfach vor Ort und ggf. in Eigenregie zu reparieren. Wenn die nutzungsbedingte Patina der Naturplatten nach einigen Jahren stört, können die Platten einfach und kostengünstig geschliffen und neu geölt werden, was bei furnierten, lackierten oder beschichteten Platten so nicht möglich ist. Danach sind die Bambusteile wieder wie NEU. Vital-Office und seine Vertriebspartner bieten Ihnen diesen Service auch gerne an.
Prävention, Design und Komfort: Die Vital-Office gerundeten Tischplatten werden nach wie vor preisgleich mit 3 Profilkanten angeboten. Die optionale 3D profilierte ErgoComfort Kante beugt dem Karpaltunnelsyndrom vor. Natürliche geölte oder gewachste MDF oder Bambus Massivholz Kanten zählen nach wie vor zu unseren Stärken. Kunststoff Anleimer werden ausschließlich bei unseren geraden und kantigen Plattenteilen verwendet. Wir möchten jedoch darauf aufmerksam machen, dass wir bereits eine größere Anzahl rechteckiger Tischplatten mit gerundeten Ecken und 3d-Ergocomfot Kante geliefert haben. Die Wertigkeit und Schönheit der CNC profilierten Vital-Office Kanten ist auch bei rechteckigen Tischplatten deutlich spürbar.
The best size for any office. WDH: 1910x1005x720-930mm. Antrophometric round Vital-Office desktop in solid wood bamboo 18 mm, coffee color, oiled surface with elegant height-adjustable aluminium T-leg frame in black or white with chrome. A desk for well-being. Extremely space-saving through the space-efficient Vital-Office circular shape. It fits harmoniously in spaces, where a straight desk with same size would no longer fit. Angled positions allow to optimize good Feng Shui with good backing and command overview.
Vital Office GmbH
D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204
+49 7248 93566-90
+49 7248 93566-97
Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung
Vital Office Hongkong Limited
Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd
Wechat ID: Vital-Office
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